Kiama High School

Respect, Responsibility, Excellence

Telephone02 4232 1911

Year 12

Year 12 is a busy time for students as they study for the Higher School Certificate and make plans for life after school.

Year advisers

The main objective of the year adviser is to look after the wellbeing of all students in the year group. There will be times in every student’s school life where they will need extra support to cope with the stresses that arise both in and out of school.

For more information, please see our dedicated Wellbeing page.

Getting involved

There are many great opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities. These include competitions, exhibitions, sport, performances and special events. Student leadership programs provide many activities that broaden your child’s experience at school.

Careers advice

Kiama High School employs a dedicated careers adviser who can help students make educational choices, define a career direction and select and prepare for future study and training.