Year 11 Subject Selection For 2023
2023 Year 11 Course Selection Timetable
When? | What? |
Term 3 week 1 & 2 | Year 10 Careers lessons on course selections. |
02/08/22 | Online Information Evening for Year 10 parents and students |
10/08/22 | Cut-off date for students to submit their 9 course preferences on-line via Edval. A printed copy of their Edval selections, together with the completed questionnaire, must be submitted to Mrs Powell. |
19/08/22 | EVET Applications due to Mr Grove (Careers Office L3) |
The Higher School Certificate (HSC)
The HSC is a qualification issued by the New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Candidates for the Higher School Certificate must undertake a program of study comprising at least:
- 12 units of Year 11 courses (Terms 1, 2 and 3)
- 10 units of Year 12 courses (Yr11 - Term 4, Yr12 - Terms 1, 2 and 3)
Both the Year 11 and the Year 12 course patterns must include:
- at least six units of Board Developed Courses;
- at least two units of English;
- at least three courses of two units value (or greater);
- at least four subjects; and
More information on the HSC can be found on the NESA Website.
The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)
The ATAR is a tool used by the Universities Admission Centre (UAC) in order to rank school leavers for entry into universities. The eligibility requirements are different for the HSC and ATAR.
What are the ATAR requirements?
To be eligible for an ATAR a student must complete at least ten units of Board Developed Courses including at least two units of English (NB. English Studies can contribute to the calculation of an ATAR; however, it is not recommended that a student, intending upon studying at university, completes the English Studies course.)
The ATAR is calculated on:
- the best two units of English; and
- the best eight units from the remaining Board Developed Course units, subject to the provision that no more than two units of Category B courses be included.
For more details on the ATAR, including how it is calculated visit the UAC Website or talk to the Careers Adviser. The best advice when selecting subjects for Years 11 and 12 is to remember that the ATAR is a ranking tool and students should not focus on scaling, but choose subjects they enjoy and in which they will do well.
Course Categories
- Board Developed Category A courses
- External HSC Exam
- Count towards ATAR for university entry
- Board Developed Category B courses
- Optional external HSC Exam – students must sit this if they want it to count towards an ATAR calculation for university entry
- A maximum of 2 units of these courses can be included in ATAR calculation
- Board Endorsed courses
- No external HSC Exam
- Contribute towards the HSC but not ATAR
Overview of Courses
Creative Arts & Language
- Drama
- French Beginners
- Italian Continuers
- Japanese Beginners
- Music 1
- Photography, Video & Digital Imaging
- Visual Arts
Human Society & its Environment (HSIE)
- Aboriginal Studies
- Ancient History
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Geography
- Legal Studies
- Modern History
PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education)
Technology & Applied Studies
Vocational Education and Training (VET) Courses
Additional Courses That May Be Offered in Year 12
At the start of Term 4, 2023, students may be offered the opportunity to nominate the following additional HSC units of study:
HSC Extension Course | Pre-requiste stuides during Year 11 |
English - Extension 2 | Student must have studied Extension 1 English in Year 11 |
Mathematics - Extension 2 | Student must have studied Extension 1 Mathematics in Year 11 |
History - Extension | Student must have studied Modern History and/or Ancient History in Year 11 |
NB: All HSC extension courses are Board Developed Category A
When students studying Mathematics Standard in Year 11 commence their HSC course, they will decide to study either Mathematics Standard 1 (Board Developed Category B) or Mathematics Standard 2 (Board Developed Category A).
Vocational Education and Training (VET) Courses
VET Courses are industry-based, hands-on courses and usually include work skills and experience through work placements. Their strength is to improve and enhance the employment and further training opportunities available to students. Students can be studying for a HSC and training for a specific vocational area at the same time. Each course is based on national competency standards that have been determined by a particular industry and defined in a national training package.
VET Courses:
· are either Board Developed Category B or Board Endorsed courses
· lead to a nationally recognised Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification (eg. Certificate II Hospitality, Certificate II Construction Pathways)
· involve competency-based assessment of skills and knowledge
· may include mandatory work placement, noting that students are obliged to catch up on all classwork missed.
The VET Courses offered at Kiama High School in 2023 are Hospitality, Construction and Manufacturing & Engineering. Students interested in applying for a VET course delivered at school should read the Information for Students Undertaking School Delivered VET Courses.
In addition to the VET courses offered at school, students can also apply to study Externally-delivered VET courses (EVET courses). EVET courses are delivered by TAFE or other providers including the Kiama Community College, Illawarra ITEC and UAVAIR.
When applying for an EVET course, students and their parents will need to show that the course is consistent with their career pathway plan. Applicants will need to consider the unique challenges of studying an EVET course, including:
· Students are responsible for catching up on classes missed at school for EVET classes (typically a half or full day absent each week) and work placement (up to two weeks).
· Students are responsible for arranging their own travel and meeting the travel costs
Patterns of delivery for EVET courses vary greatly including face-to-face, mixed and online delivery options. Many courses are also delivered as a 4-unit x 1 year pattern, meaning that students are out of school for a full day each week and complete their course at the end of Term 3.
Course information is available via Students should use this website to identify suitable options and then see Mr Grove in L3 to check if the course is being offered locally. Brochures for the courses being offered locally will also be added to the Kiama High Careers Microsoft Teams page. EVET application forms are available at the Careers Office (L3) and must be returned by Friday 19 August.
School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs)
Students may commence an apprenticeship or complete a traineeship while at school. An SBAT combines paid work (minimum 100 days), vocational training and school studies. Students need to be highly motivated, organised and independent learners to successfully complete an SBAT. For more details about SBATs visit Students who are interested in exploring this option, please visit Careers Office (L3) and speak to Mr Grove. Alternatively, you can register an expression of interest using the following link and Sharon Justice, SBAT Engagement Officer for Southern Illawarra will be in touch. Sharon will be able to provide advice on potential host employers.
Distance Education
If there is a course that you would like to study that is not offered by Kiama High School, you may have the option of studying it by Distance Education. To succeed in this type of course, you must be motivated and be an independent learner. If you think this may be an option for you, you must see the KHS Librarian as soon as possible.
Special Education (Life Skills)
Life Skills courses are available for students with special education needs. Please speak to the Learning Support Team (Mr Anderberg) at Kiama High School for more information.
How to Choose Your Courses
The following steps will assist in making the best course selections for you:
1. Choose courses that interest you and in which you are capable of doing well.
2. Choose courses that do not close off career paths that may interest you. It is very normal for students to either not know what they want to do after school at this stage or to change their mind many times over the next few years. Choose courses that maximise your options.
3. If you intend to go to university, check that you are eligible for an ATAR. Read the booklet published by the University Admissions Centre (UAC) - Steps to Uni for Year 10 Students. This booklet is vital reading for those considering going to university as it indicates what courses you must study at school to study certain courses at university. Remember, if you are not sure what course you might study at university, try to keep your options open. In particular, note that many university courses in the fields of Mathematics, Science, Health, Engineering, Information Technology and Commerce require students to have studied Mathematics Advanced (not Mathematics Standard).
4. Make sure your pattern of subjects satisfies the requirements for a HSC.
5. Use all the experts (Year Adviser, Deputy Principal, Head Teachers, Careers Adviser and Classroom Teachers) to ensure you have chosen the appropriate subject and level.
6. Do your own research. Look closely at the course information on the Kiama High website and watch the videos that have been provided. Visit the NESA website and research the syllabus documents for the courses to find key information including content, assessment, examinations, etc. Check the exclusions listed for each course as some courses cannot be studied together.
7. Be flexible with your choices – while we hope to maximise options for all students, timetabling constraints mean you are unlikely to be able to study your first six preferences.
8. Be realistic in considering your study commitments, time availability and other responsibilities.
9. If selecting an Extension course, check with your teacher that it is a suitable option for you and understand that extension courses are timetabled offline (before and after school).
- Select the subjects you are good at
- Select the subjects you enjoy
- Select the subjects you need to meet your future goals
- Select subjects based on your friends' choices
- Select subjects based on guessing who the teacher might be
- Select subjects to try and manipulate the scaling process