Kiama High School

Respect, Responsibility, Excellence

Telephone02 4232 1911


2 units for each of Year 11 & Year 12 

Board Developed Category A

Exclusions: Nil

Course Costs: $10.00 

The Year 11 Course investigates biophysical and human geography and develops students' knowledge and understanding about the spatial and ecological dimensions of geography. Enquiry methodologies are used to investigate the unique characteristics of our world through fieldwork, geographical skills and the study of contemporary geographical issues.

  • Biophysical Interactions – how biophysical processes contribute to sustainable management.
  • Global Challenges – geographical study of issues at a global scale.
  • Senior Geography Project – a geographical study of student's own choosing.

The Year 12 Course enables students to appreciate geographical perspectives about the contemporary world. There are specific studies about biophysical and human processes, interactions and trends. Fieldwork and a variety of case studies combine with an assessment of the geographers' contribution to understanding our environment and demonstrates the relevance of geographical study.

  • Ecosystems at Risk – the functioning of ecosystems, their management and protection.
  • Urban Places – study of cities and urban dynamics.
  • People and Economic Activity – geographic study of economic activity in a local and global context.

Key concepts incorporated across all topics: change, environment, sustainability, spatial and ecological dimensions, interaction, technology, management and cultural integration.

Particular Course Requirements

Students complete a Senior Geography Project (SGP) in the Year 11 course and should undertake 12 hours of fieldwork in both the Year 11 and Year 12 courses.

Course Contact: Mr Mark Storch, Head Teacher: Human Society & Its Environment