NSW public schools allow time for Special religious education (SRE), where authorised teachers of approved providers are available. At Kiama High School, SRE is delivered fortnightly to students in Years 7 to 10.
Combined Christian SRE
Christian SRE is provided by SRE teachers from different Christian denominations and churches. The goal of these classes is to provide students with opportunities to explore the bigger questions of life and gain a basic understanding of Christian beliefs and study contemporary issues related to the Christian faith.
The approved providers in this combined arrangement are:
Anglican Diocese of Sydney
Baptist Union of NSW
Catholic Diocese of Wollongong
Presbyterian Church of Australia (NSW)
Uniting Church in Australia (NSW Synod)
All Christian SRE teachers are authorised and trained by an approved provider.
Information about the SRE curriculum
Name: Think Faith
Approved by: Anglican Dioscese of Sydney
SRE Co-ordinator: Ryan Sherring
AIES Australian Islamic Education Services Enrollment Link:
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